Interfacing MazeSuite and BCI2000

Posted by Admin | 10/13/2014 | News

The MazeSuite API allows interfacing any 3rd party application with MazeSuite for communication and control. Recently, we have posted a tutorial and necessary files for interfacing MazeSuite with the BCI2000 ( a popular Brain Computer Interface (BCI) platform.

Tutorial and details are posted in MazeSuite Gallery:

This tutorial and information is based on the mechanism used in the following paper:
Curtin, A., Ayaz, H., Liu, Y., Shewokis, P. A., & Onaral, B. (2012). A P300-based EEG-BCI for spatial navigation control. In Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE (pp. 3841-3844). doi:10.1109/EMBC.2012.6346805.

Curtin, A., Ayaz, H, et al (2012)

Curtin, A., Ayaz, H, et al (2012)