Major New Version Release (v2.7)
A major update for MazeSuite is released. Summary list of changes are as follows. To get the update, download the latest setup file.
MazeSuite Release 2.7
• MazeMaker (v2.12.0.0)
New large canvas: Maze editable area expanded beyond screen size and edited area can be scrolled left/right/up/down with embedded onscreen buttons at top right corner
Keyboard shortcuts for scrolling canvas are Shift + Cursor Up/Down/Left/Right keys (press shift key and one of cursor buttons to move at one of the four directions)
Canvas offset is displayed at the bottom status bar
Current mouse position is displayed at the bottom status bar
Ceiling Height Property added for Floor Items
Scale to be saved in double precision
Coordinate axis orientation to be displayed at the bottom right corner
Drag and drop of maze items updated
Minor other improvements
• MazeWalker (v2.14.0.0)
Updated Synchronization for Physics engine
Added Support for LPT signaling (parallel port) for Maze Start and Maze End
Preload Maze Textures held between mazes in maze list to significantly reduce loading time
Optimized texture loading to speed up the processing of Jpegs textures
Fixed an issue when Floor was set to not visible can still operate collusion detection
Minor other improvements
• MazeAnalyzer (v2.11.0.0)
New measure function: click on one reference position and as you move mouse distances are shown in real-time in status bar
Improvements in user interface, maze drawing, analysis tools
Various minor changes
• Documentation
Updated Quick Start Manual