Major New Version Release (v2.6)
A major update for MazeSuite is released. Summary list of changes are as follows. To get the update, download the latest setup file.
MazeSuite Release 2.6
- MazeWalker (v2.12.0.0)
Updated the physics engine, Jump mechanics and gravity mechanics for physics engine-based behaviors
Improvement for dynamic object kinematics
Improvement for memory management (especially for larger mazes and high resolution)
Added new fixed XZ Camera options in perspective to allow a fixed top-down maze navigation
Joystick functionality updates
Changed Skybox behavior so that the Skybox moves with you (necessary for a road-type environment that continues in one-direction forever)
Start position New angle setting for pitch (up-down)
New random angle setting for both pitch (up-down) and yaw (left-right)
Maze List: next maze button and keyboard binding
Added a toggle delay to the next maze and restart maze keys (500ms)
Fixed an issue where MazeWalker did not correctly run in fullscreen
Fixed an issue where MazeWalker would not properly load the previous filename
Restored Framerate Independence during Look functions
Removed 1280×768 resolution in favor of 1280×720 (720p)
Minor other improvements
- MazeMaker (v2.11.0.0)
Start position: New angle setting for pitch (up-down)
New random angle setting for both pitch (up-down) and yaw (left-right)
Shrink and Expand mazes with keyboard shortcuts Ctrl/- and Ctrl/+ respectively
Copy paste of objects functionality for edits
Minor other improvements
- MazeAnalyzer (v2.10.0.0)
New point feature for calculations,
Use the point button at the toolbar to mark specific points of interest in mazes, save and load these along with regions.
New calculation in Export: Distance to Point or Region Centroid for all timepoints as extra columns
Minor other improvements