Major New Version Release (v2.4)
A major update for MazeSuite is released. Summary list of changes are as follows. To get the update, download the latest setup file.
MazeSuite Release 2.4
Mazesuite API
- New sample application with source code: MazeBridge
MazeWalker (v2.9.0.0)
- Oculus DK1 integration
Updated to standardize lighting conditions
Resolution scaling is now DPI independent
Restored audio functionality for play/pause/stop as well as new feature for making volume louder when objects playing are approached.
Increased OpenGL requirement to version 3.0
Custom resolution option (default to 5760 x 1080)
Minor improvements
MazeMaker (v2.9.0.0)
- New features in dynamic model properties related to audio playback
New splash screen during startup
New welcome screen for quick access
Minor improvements
MazeAnalyzer (v1.8.0.0)
- New splash screen during startup
Minor improvements