Update (MazeWalker, MazeAnalyzer, MazeMaker, MazeUpdate)
MazeWalker ( includes the following updates:
- Rebuilt with Visual Studio 2012 (with XP Support)
- Enabled statistics display during developer mode
- FPS and information display enabled when developer keys are enabled
Changed timing from GetTickCount() to QueryPerformanceCounter() for higher resolution timing
- Changed texture shader to add support for transparent textures
- (currently requires OpenGL2.0 minimum because of EXT_SHADER4)
Changes to standardize movements to frame rate
- Changes to Ghost mode
- Prototype flying mode, move up down in the direct you are looking
- space is move up vertical (jump), crouch is move down
Added Object and Wall occlusion techniques
- Minor enhancements and improvements for lights and bar and file operations.
- Added skybox (Background texture)
- Looks for texture ID 900 for wrapped texture
- Looks for texture ID 901-906 for individual box sides
- 901 is mazeMaker bottom
- 902 is mazeMaker right
- 903 is mazeMaker Top
- 904 is mazeMaker Bottom
- 905 is Top
- 906 is Bottom
MazeWalker prefers 6 sided over wrapped texture
MazeMaker ( includes the following updates:
- Rebuilt with Visual Studio 2012
MazeAnalyzer ( includes the following updates:
- Rebuilt with Visual Studio 2012
MazeLib ( includes the following updates:
- Rebuilt with Visual Studio 2012
MazeUpdate ( includes the following updates:
- Rebuilt with Visual Studio 2012
To get the updates:
Please run MazeUpdate from Start>All Programs>MazeSuite>MazeUpdate and follow on screen instructions.