Update (MazeWalker, MazeAnalyzer, MazeMaker, MazeUpdate)

Posted by Admin | 11/12/2012 | News

MazeWalker ( includes the following updates:

      Rebuilt with Visual Studio 2012 (with XP Support)
      Enabled statistics display during developer mode
        FPS and information display enabled when developer keys are enabled

      Changed timing from GetTickCount() to QueryPerformanceCounter() for higher resolution timing

      Changed texture shader to add support for transparent textures
        (currently requires OpenGL2.0 minimum because of EXT_SHADER4)

      Changes to standardize movements to frame rate

      Changes to Ghost mode
        Prototype flying mode, move up down in the direct you are looking
        space is move up vertical (jump), crouch is move down

      Added Object and Wall occlusion techniques

      Minor enhancements and improvements for lights and bar and file operations.
      Added skybox (Background texture)
        Looks for texture ID 900 for wrapped texture
        Looks for texture ID 901-906 for individual box sides
        901 is mazeMaker bottom
        902 is mazeMaker right
        903 is mazeMaker Top
        904 is mazeMaker Bottom
        905 is Top
        906 is Bottom

      MazeWalker prefers 6 sided over wrapped texture


MazeMaker ( includes the following updates:

    Rebuilt with Visual Studio 2012

MazeAnalyzer ( includes the following updates:

    Rebuilt with Visual Studio 2012

MazeLib ( includes the following updates:

    Rebuilt with Visual Studio 2012

MazeUpdate ( includes the following updates:

    Rebuilt with Visual Studio 2012

To get the updates:
Please run MazeUpdate from Start>All Programs>MazeSuite>MazeUpdate and follow on screen instructions.