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Major New Version Release (v2.3)

Posted 07/26/2014 | By Admin | News

A major update for MazeSuite is released. Summary list of changes are as follows. To get the update, download the latest setup file.

MazeSuite Release 2.3

MazeSuite API

  • New feature: Application Programming Interface for accessing MazeSuite from 3rd party custom applications.
  • New MazeSuite API manual
  • New sample application with source code: MazeRemote

MazeWalker (v2.8.0.0)

  • MazeSuite API functionality (connecting remotely through TCP/IP network to send/receive commands (e.g. move left, right, forward) and data (e.g. position, look angle)
  • Multimonitor start positioning
  • Dynamic object animations in mazes can be paused and resumed by user gui interaction
  • Various minor improvements

MazeMaker (v2.8.0.0)

  • Revised all maze item properties
  • Left pane maze tree updated, each item is now listed with additional details, also right click displays context menu to modify order for floor and wall items.
  • ID and label for all maze items. These are also saved in logs for easy access and identification of items
  • Version checker address updated

New website launched!…

Posted 07/26/2014 | By Admin | News

With special thanks to Kenneth Oum, MazeSuite now enjoys a revamped, completely renewed website.

Check out the new site at

One of the main new features of the new site, is the Gallery that users can share their creations/mazes that they have developed. You can download new mazes from this growing set and use them as starting point for your experiments. Please also submit your own mazes to share with other users. As always, we look forward to your comments and suggestions.

Update (MazeWalker and MazeMaker)

Posted 07/14/2014 | By Admin | News

An update for MazeSuite is released. Summary list of changes are as follows. To get the update, download the latest setup file.

MazeSuite (v2.2.1)

New Elevator sample maze: This maze starts in the basement, and when user approaches the elevator, door opens automatically (dynamic object, trigger by proximity), user gets on elevator and it moves up automatically (dynamic object, trigger by proximity) and reaches rooftop terrace that has the exit sign (end region). This maze file and included texture and objects are already included in the new maze setup and installs with other samples to my document>mazesuite>samples folder. See screenshots below.


MazeWalker (v2.7.0.0)

Dynamic object motions are actually timed instead of framerate dependent
Enabled Walker /subject field in MazeWalker
Prevented repeated jumping for more realistic actions
Improved various static/dynamic object texture and collision detection features
Png image without alpha level can now be loaded as texture
Implemented transparency for PNGs on models
Fixed Vsync checkbox state to be saved


MazeMaker (v2.7.7.0)

Added context menu to left pane tree view for child items of Wall and Floor. Move up/down/top/bottom for reordering. This can be necessary for larger items inserted last can cover older smaller items. Moving will help showing all.

Removing maze item keyboard shortcut changed to ctrl+delete